
Brasil levou o prêmio Fóssil do Dia desta sexta em Durban

As declarações do Ministério do Meio Ambiente no jornal Folha de S. Paulo desta sexta (2/12), segundo as quais o novo Código Florestal irá ajudar o Brasil a cumprir sua meta nas emissões dos gases de efeito estufa renderam ao país, aqui na CoP-17, o Fóssil do Dia, tradicional prêmio concedido pela Climate Action Network (CAN) para os países que estão emperrando de alguma forma as negociações. O segundo lugar ficou para Nova Zelândia e o terceiro para o Canadá.

Leia a seguir a declaração feita pela CAN para justificar o prêmio.

As the world watches stunned by the lack of urgency in the negotiations in Durban on the search for a global solution to a global threat, some countries are capable of a level of cynicism and disregard for the consequences of their actions which leave us bewildered. This time it is Brazil. Yes, Brazil the same country that hosted the Earth Summit in 1992 that gave rise to the Climate Convention and later to the Kyoto Protocol.

The same country that will host the Rio+20 meeting next year. To what end we ask?

If the new Brazilian forest law, now going through congress, is approved as is, it will be a disaster for the Brazilian forests, for the climate, for the indigenous people in the amazon and elsewhere, for the preservation of biodiversity and priceless environmental services. What is Brazil asking for here, if back home the new law creates the opportunities for an increase in greenhouse gas emissions many times Brazil´s total emissions today.

Actually, the negative the impact of the new law has already began and the law has not even gotten the final vote in the house and the senate. When the ministry of Environment announced this week that the new law will help Brazil meet the greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal CAN sees no other alternative other than to present Brazil with our most notorious award – the Fossil of the day.

Apparently the Minister of Environment has “delayed” her trip to Durban because of the negotiations of the forest law in the congress. We heartily welcome the Minister to come to Durban, receive this award and to explain to the world how cutting down trees reduces emissions of greenhouse gases

Fonte: Mercado Ético

Brasil levou o prêmio Fóssil do Dia desta sexta em Durban
Brasil levou o prêmio Fóssil do Dia desta sexta em Durban






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